Nof Yaldot
Tzur Hadasa
Ramat Dania
Meltzer April Architects is one of the most experienced and highly valued architectural firms in Jerusalem. We specialize in variety of scales and project types and deal with all the aspects of planning, from Master Planning to detailing.
The housing expansion project included 50,000 square meters...Architect Nahum Meltzer accompanied the personal project...We were very impressed by the careful planning work led by him which presented professionalism, thoroughness, attention to detail, in-depth recommendations for Kabal requirements and a thorough understanding of the program.
Shay MargolinMargolin Engenireening
In all stages of planning and execution, we received from architect Meltzer cooperation with the team of consultants, performers and the parties accompanying the project. All this while providing satisfactory service and meeting strict deadlines.
Shay MargolinMargolin Engenireening
The professional ability of Nahum and his office team beat veterans and experienced in the fields of construction in providing architectural solutions to various problems and finding the necessary balance in this sensitive project.
Daniel Shukronמנה"פ "החורבה", החברה לשיקום ופיתוח הרובע היהודי
I was impressed by the high level of planning, attention to detail and finding solutions to the various and unique problems that arose in the project....The firm, closely accompanied by architect Yitzhak April, accompanied and promoted all the statutory processes in coordination with the consultants in front of all the planning authorities with professionalism and sensitivity while meeting a very short schedule and being sensitive to the needs of The various factors involved and responding to their needs.
Ohad CohenDeputy Architect of the Jerusalem District, Ministry of Housing and Construction
Nahum Meltzer is pleasant in his personality and knows how to listen and listen, share and consult with all those involved in the project and on the other hand does not compromise on the quality required for the success of the tasks, his easygoing temperament along with the professional appreciation towards him allowed for a very successful management and execution of the project
Daniel Shukronמנה"פ "החורבה", החברה לשיקום ופיתוח הרובע היהודי
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